This will be our learning journey for the academic year 24-25

Do leaders at all levels: set high expectations for staff, pupils, and themselves?

Leadership Forum – establish a thorough cycle of leadership development for staff and assistants. Ensure that professional learning opportunities develop the leadership potential of staff and that the focus of these opportunities aligns with the school's priorities.

To what extent do the leaders use the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership to help the workforce to perform effectively?

Refine our use of the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership - fortnightly management and review meetings, development of staff's professional passport, and self-evaluation questionnaires for staff and teaching assistants.

To what extent do the leaders develop the workforce and foster a culture of collaboration and innovation?

Establish staff professional inquiry groups including teachers and teaching assistants. Ensure that all members of staff collaborate and carry out personal research linked to their research question to foster collaboration and innovation. Create a Treganna Professional Inquiry network.

To what extent are the self-evaluation processes effective and how do we measure this?

Further embed effective self-evaluation processes. Develop the processes further using the new Estyn framework and align them with the evaluation and improvement framework.

How well do the governors purposefully contribute to determining the school's strategic priorities?

Further, develop the role of the governors in purposefully contributing to determining the school's strategic priorities. Governors to be part of the staff's research projects.

Teaching and Learning Priorities 2024-2025

To what extent do learners develop in relation to the principles of progress?

Create a continuum of play across the school to develop the pupils' independent skills, curiosity, and initiative.

To what extent do learners develop the skills to reflect critically on their own work and that of other learners?

Develop the school's feedback and marking policy ensuring that there is progress in the strategies and consistency in the methods. Ensure that pupils are a key part of the feedback and contribute to determining their targets and the next step in their learning journey.

To what extent do learners develop increasing sophistication in their literacy, numeracy, and digital competence skills?

English phonics targeting using Monster/ Superhero phonics schemes. Training for staff in September, framework to be shared, evaluate impact every term.

To what extent does the teaching offer the right level of challenge and high expectations across the school?

Mapping genres across the school to ensure challenge and progress in the written work.

How effectively do teachers make their classes stimulating and entertaining places where all groups of pupils can progress?

Developing the outdoor learning environment. Create an Outdoor Learning framework, lesson for each class on a weekly basis.

To what extent do learners develop skills within and across the learning areas?

Deepen understanding of the 5 proficiencies ensuring that they form the basis of reasoning work across the learning areas.

Curriculum Priorities 2024-2025

To what extent does the way we plan and present the curriculum include methods of capturing learners' progress?

Implement the internal tracking system and create benchmarks for all cross-curricular areas of learning.

To what extent does the school provide for relationship and sexuality education?

Adapt and refine our RSE procedures. Implement the cluster plan and ensure that opportunities are mapped across the learning and experience areas and the learning continuum. 

To what extent does the way we plan and deliver the curriculum offer broad and balanced learning experiences?

Plan/ map out opportunities based on the history and the experiences of Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority communities and LHBTIQ+ Create specific challenge projects evaluating impact across the AoLE’s. .

Are all learners making appropriate progress along the learning continuum in relation to the principles of progress?

Develop and embed the school's Progress Platform.

Do the learners transfer their learning between different areas of learning and experience?

Revisit the planning to ensure that there is a purposeful project at the end of the concept that deepens the learning.

To what extent do learners deepen their understanding of the ideas and disciplines within the Areas of Learning?

A digital continuum to be presented to the staff that aligns with the digital framework. Staff to implement the continuum and to measure impact every term.

ALN, Wellbeing and Inclusion Priorities 2024-2025

To what extent does the school monitor and review the progress, attainment, and well-being of learners with ALN?

Continue to develop the school's Jigso provision looking at mapping the impact of interventions and measuring their impact.

To what extent does the school use the contributions of the community and other partners to develop its vision for learning, teaching and the curriculum?

Establish a Community Hub in the school. Organise weekly workshops for parents and the local community.

To what extent do the teachers contribute to the professional learning of the staff in the school and beyond?

Establish Cwlwm Mentora in the school to share good practice.

To what extent does the school meet the needs of learners with ALN and ensure that they make the progress they should?

Further, develop the Cwtch provision evaluating the impact of the well-being interventions on progress and attainment.

To what extent does the school engage with parents, carers, and families of learners with ALN and those who need additional support?

Establish a Parents' Forum at the school to support parents.