2024-09-02 Inset day (no school for pupils) Inset day (no school for pupils) September 2 Inset day (no school for pupils)
2024-09-03 Inset day (no school for pupils) Inset day (no school for pupils) September 3 Inset day (no school for pupils)
2024-09-09 Investigative week in all classes Investigative week in all classes September 9 Investigative week in all classes
2024-09-16 Reception Open Evening 4.15-4.45 Reception Open Evening 4.15-4.45 September 16 Reception Open Evening 4.15-4.45
2024-09-17 Year 2 and Year 4 Open Evening 4.15-4.45 Year 2 and Year 4 Open Evening 4.15-4.45 September 17 Year 2 and Year 4 Open Evening 4.15-4.45
2024-09-18 Year 3, Year 5 and 6 Open Evening 4.15-4.45 Year 3, Year 5 and 6 Open Evening 4.15-4.45 September 18 Year 3, Year 5 and 6 Open Evening 4.15-4.45
2024-09-19 Year 1 Open Evening 4/15-4.45 Year 1 Open Evening 4/15-4.45 September 19 Year 1 Open Evening 4/15-4.45
2024-09-24 Colorfoto Nursery – Year 5 (we will inform you of Year 6’s date during the term) Colorfoto Nursery – Year 5 (we will inform you of Year 6’s date during the term) September 24 Colorfoto Nursery – Year 5 (we will inform you of Year 6’s date during the term)
2024-09-30 Cycling training Y6 (Gronw) Cycling training Y6 (Gronw) September 30 Cycling training Y6 (Gronw)
2024-10-02 Presentation to parents on the school’s aims and objectives Presentation to parents on the school’s aims and objectives October 2 Presentation to parents on the school’s aims and objectives Session 1 9.30am Session 2 5.30pm